Wisconsin youth hockey forum. Glad to see the 2014 coach back in the mix at MJA after a long hiatus. Wisconsin youth hockey forum

 Glad to see the 2014 coach back in the mix at MJA after a long hiatusWisconsin youth hockey forum  Personal opinion is that it was an attempt to circumvent the rules and chasing a place where he may be able to be a starting player

Not sure how true this is but was told there is a 50% turnover rate for players making it to National Camp. Too many kids take TW route at 14 and are cut at 16 for the players that played AAA hockey all winter long (best u15 players have been gamblers and ads their whole youth) instead of terrible hs and association. October Saves is a 501 non profit and donations are tax deductible. The 09 Ads are going to lose a lot of good players. MESSAGES. The older age coaches just don't care to do it. 1:11 PM - Feb 23 #9. Login; Join; HOME. Guest. If you want to be pissed about this, that’s your right, but be pissed at the root cause, WAHA and piss poor youth hockey participation. Cronies like HF try and fail, see show teams. Keep in mind that they've only been beating every Wisconsin team by 10+ goals. Especially when players had to: "register online beginning February 5th to compete in their respective open skater tryout on March 12-14. The region 5 teams agreed there would be a random draw for playdowns. Post. With all the “parent cuts” of the hockey world…how on earth was BM kid rostered on MJA last. Say you're an association with 40 Mites and charge $500 per player. Wisconsin Youth Hockey Forum. When my kids were younger the youth coaches seemed eager to seek out and find the best talent possible to build a team. 5:30 PM - Mar 23. No way WAHA allows an August through October prep team option for Ads and Caps. that sounds awful close to $110K " playing AAA isn't anywhere close to $110K". The close proximity to MN and IL alone should make WI a great state to play hockey in. There’s clearly a skill gap in WI hockey. But, lets keep doing the same thing over and over. We are available to discuss this further with you if you have any questions or concerns. STEVENS POINT, Wis. True!What changed that made this official now? I thought it was a given a while backMJA Leadership. En Ads are 4-2-1 against the scrubs from the caps. 00 $20. So the HF Selects squads playing in Nashville are technically just squeaking by. NOTIFICATIONS > > 2023 Tier 1 Charter. NOTIFICATIONS > > 2023 WI HP. September 23, 2023, 12:30:19 PM. 7:07 PM - Sep 18 #28. Heard the college scouts are getting ready to watch a ton of 6u and 8u house hockey games around the state this year. Share with: Link: Copy link. Bump. “The Clash series” is the younger ages and just regular tournament teams. Wisconsin Youth Hockey Forum. Share with: Link: Copy link. The clubs have to produce a product that parents and kids want to buy into. We all got the email. wow a 7 game losing streak SQL time: 0. Paul. I beleive the Potters are part of the Gambler's package and they are are excellent skating coaches. NOTIFICATIONS > > GB Jr Gamblers. 11:11 PM - Jan 17. However if those USA hockey guides are accurate and both fox valley and chip/Eau Claire submit applications they should both be approved as registration numbers claim to support it at most levels other than u16/u18. Excluding the Prep schools, all but one, maybe two top-20 teams are from the East Coast, MN or MI. Then after the 8 weeks is up you go back to association hockey where most. U18 is a toss up between the 3. Share. 9:49 PM - Mar 01 #4. They only skate one or two times a week and the cost is 7k to play on a AAA team. MJA does give a rip about players returning or leaving. 196 posts Page 13 of 20. Login; Join; HOME. So the rumor mill was ripe during the summer that the mosinee hs coach was endorsing his youth org to turn a blind eye to waha rules regarding transfe. Mark87. DISCUSSIONS. Stupid. Better than the mn model, nope, but in Wisconsin, it’s the only plausible option aside from a couple of associations in the state, ie Hudson. The top players on ND high school team (top ranked team in the state) all developed in Tier 1. 11:54 AM - May 19 #83. Let’s see how team Blick does against a watered down team. NOTIFICATIONS > > Region Based AA teams. If he is the starter I hope he is able to live up to the hype or people will be happily positing away here. Share. The region 5 teams agreed there would be a random draw for playdowns. I am sorry but former NHL, D1, or D3 doesn't mean jack. We’ve had 4 Tier 1 programs for years. No disservice at this point. Beware, their tentacles run deep within WAHA, KC, TW, and WEHL programs that they don’t even like. Meaning you have to have 20 rosters of the exact team to play at Nationals. DISCUSSIONS. Post 7:18 PM - Mar 23 #28 2023-03-23T19:18. how about the situation where a kid is beyond association "A" hockey and it's getting to the point where they're no longer having fun?Not even close. Share. Call it 20 weeks just for simple math. Madison area - Verona has built a strong group should compete West - Hudson perennial top 5 EC Mem will compete but Hudson takes the spot NE - Notre dame has a good recruiting class - will continue to have success unless recruiting rules change - no developmental program on that side of the state is strong enough to battle recruiting and. Delusional Parents. The NAPHL has a HS fall league going with 4-5 teams (around 2 per level depending on how you count) pulling kids from WI HS so it's a little more than just TW. Thu Mar 09, 2023 9:07 pm. 2012 Milwaukee Jr Admirals 12 AAA (WI) 14-14-4 90. It's not a place for chatter, Or idle talk aWisconsin hockey player says neck guards 'something that we should push for' after tragedy. As agreed upon, WAHA conducted the random draw for 12U C1 Region 5 playdowns. So it makes no sense to have kids on teams playing “better hockey” when the teams that WI puts together at the tier 1 level straight out suck. 7-1 Jersey Hitmen. They want players plug into their garbage style of play, without having to put in effort to help them get better. IL registered players 26,297. I’d bet that org would be back on top in no time. Not the rink. Technically after state playoffs but kids know already who’s invited. There are pre set rules to keep a charter. If we want hockey to really grow in WI we need to grow HS hockey. Bryan will be taking on a New position with the Madison Capitols youth Program starting June 1st. MESSAGES. 387 likes. Share with: Link: Copy link. Since they can’t compete on the Tier 1 level. In fact 82% of ALL D1 rosters have a MN born player in their ranks. All the good IL AAA kids are playing in the Clash. The Chicago Mission u19's are graduating all but one defenseman and have a couple spots open. Bryan will also be the Director of Hockey operations for the Madison Capitols youth program. 51 MiBWAHA only serves those community hockey associations whom their board and representatives are connected to. play off. Dad and Youth Hockey Coach Is Killed in Driveway After Confronting Man Trying to Steal Wife's Car. Login; Join; HOME. They have that kid that made the All-Star game in Minnesota. Suck. The team finished the weekend. Spring hockey is spring hockey, not going down the Pryme Tyme rabbit hole. get off your high and mighty "I'm better than all you 2012 families" perch, walk outside and eat a pile of dogshit. Jump to page:. Rumors are LC (Oregon) is done after this season. No leaving region and don't care if there are a few regions stronger than others. They will be impossible to replace from a leadership, production, and physicality standpoint. People have had their way with the "crappy tier 1 teams" so lets start to discuss the upcoming tier 2 hockey season. tier 1. Share with: Link: Copy link. Block #2. DISCUSSIONS. DISCUSSIONS. Big WAHA meeting coming up to discuss the Charter. Share. 6:30 PM - Jan 20 #116. MM is a piece of garbage. “The Clash” primarily seems to be carryover from Brick and generally invite-only vs “open” tryout. MESSAGES. What is a flyer? And dd is pretty much the same as the others. Wisconsin Not elite hockey League Go 2-4 teams at each age group and make a run at tier 2 nationals. You have been nominated selected by Wisconsin Amateur Hockey to compete in the Wisconsin Amateur Hockey High Performance Select 16 (birth year 2007) Tryout, Select 17 (birth year 2006) Tryout to be held April 7-8 at the Cornerstone Community Center at 1640 Fernando Dr in De Pere, Wisconsin. That said, you have to supply a certified USA Hockey Roster to participate in that event, so it begs the question on how they are squeaking by. Wisconsin Youth Hockey Forum. Teams want to play competitive games and unfortunately the caps aren’t that at any level especially the younger ones where they will have a hard time competing even with aa teams. Yes, MN does an amazing job of developing players in youth hockey. Waha charges more for Girls tournaments. Team Wisconsin might not develop players the way most would like, but at a certain age it is up to the player to push their own development. Every year is a new year and every kid is replaceable. Mosinee Hockey. Sent. 2010 coach is a breath of fresh air, young, hungry, and committed. Anyone familiar with an age group or birth year can pick the team on paper within 1-2 players. TW might be less expensive up front, but figure in HS hockey cost and the. There are ample solutions aside from the shit show that is being discussed. PS. NOTIFICATIONS > > Summer Hockey Tournaments. We were told that TW does nothing to develop players, well neither does MJA. WI HS hockey isn't even in the same discussion in this department. 49 50 51. MESSAGES. LookWest. That ain’t cutting it. Wisconsin Youth Hockey Forum. DISCUSSIONS. The best kid is leaving. 6. Last post by raidergrad72. If you honestly believe association hockey is the answer for those years, you’re an idiot. Jump to page:. Yes, it is at the expense of possibly missing a few kids cut from TW, but it. Caps and TW will be better. You have 4 pw minor families and 1 pw major family who are pushing this agenda. Admirals are the only Tier I Program in Wisconsin that is a member of the Tier 1 Elite Hockey League! The Tier 1. However, as long as the org and families don’t care about worthless banners you can take as many kids as you’d like. DISCUSSIONS. Share with: Link: Copy link. 2:33 PM - 6 days ago #5. 5 programs as TW is. MESSAGES. Especially when you fire a good coach and then still bomb against top 10 teams. Wisconsin Youth Hockey Forum. Please elaborate as to why you think this. The cost is out of control. DISCUSSIONS. 1 post Summer Hockey Tournaments Summer Hockey Tournaments. This is tier 2 non check hockey and they have 3 full lines. Tier1 teams refuse to play the caps. Next. They dominate all the younger age groups and will sweep from U14 and younger. DISCUSSIONS. Unfortunately WI won't show well at the Central District tournament so it's only 1 more week of hockey for these teams. Sorry your kid was cut from tw. Donate Gold Points. DISCUSSIONS. Would you consider that development or a waste of time?MJA will be a shell of the team they have been the last few years. 8:42 PM - Oct 23 #1. No strong teams this year at boys or girls for any of the tier 1 programs. 8:18 AM - Feb 23. Wisconsin Youth Hockey Forum. Dec 01, 2022. If so, post it here. Heard the crazy dangler lady and Chippewa guy will be at the WAHA meeting. Personal opinion is that it was an attempt to circumvent the rules and chasing a place where he may be able to be a starting player. Like Muskego, youth numbers will have Brookfield at the top in the near future, but not yet. In fact 82% of ALL D1 rosters have a MN born player in their ranks. Share. Look no further than the Wisconsin Selects girls program and the now defunct Jr Gamblers charter for WAHA's attitude and behavior towards real competition. Guest. They develop one male to make it to juniors every 4 years, but people keep paying. Ok “recently” who’s won from TW, Ads or anyone from Wisconsin? Let’s get back to the route, the Wisconsin hockey boat is sinking dipshit. DISCUSSIONS. High School Hockey Video. But, thinking like Mosinee, having 3 “top” Marshfield kids drops the 3 bottom Mosinee kids. *spring season. Then add an average of $750 a weekend of travel away weekends x 8 weekends=$6000, plus air or bus travel add $1,200. TW is worthless and this just proves it’s going to get worse. Blue Hills Beasts AAA Hockey. WAHA only serves those community hockey associations whom their board and representatives are connected to. People don't care about C hockey. Post Aug 10, 2020 #1 2020-08-10T14:58. cWA wrote: ↑. The 05 team probably has least turnover given last years results. instead of canceling now and refunding tryout fees they will collect every penny knowing that there will be no spring tournaments to participate in. About WAHA LOOKING TO PARTICIPATE? Looking to participate in a sport that requires skill, strength, strategic thinking and the desire to play as part of a team? Whatever level. In other words, it is a much harder road for WI HS players to get to major junior hockey, D1, NHL because there is always an asterisk next to the quality of the on-ice product relative to the "M" states. Share. They are really the only team that played with ND last year. 2:36 AM - Jan 26 #140. My friends son is taking part in October Saves to raise money for cancer. Especially when you fire a good coach and then still bomb against top 10 teams. They're happy to take Tier 2 kids from IL and and IL tier 1 cuts that are willing to make the drive, and roll out their 50th ranked team. Nov 05, 2022 #10. no d2-4 club in the state feels like that rule is good for their association. Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk Currently WI can’t even put together competitive teams to play against Tier 1 teams. Hudson and ND dominate every year. 65 posts Page 3 of 7. They're happy to take Tier 2 kids from IL and and IL tier 1 cuts that are willing to make the drive, and roll out their 50th ranked team. I knew of one who used to give a small credit after you had played half a season. I MJA Leadership - Page 13 - Wisconsin Youth Hockey ForumSorry but WI HS hockey is nothing to get excited about. Mind you Blick’s were involved with Northstar elite for awhile who is already prospecting and attending top tier events with Wisconsin talent. 142 posts. How is Wisconsin going to magically develop more D1 kids without tier 1? Through association daddy coach hockey? Your assertion of 10-12 true tier 1 kids may be true but there is no way association hockey is going to change that. As agreed upon, WAHA conducted the random draw for 12U C1 Region 5 playdowns. USA may have a shot at winning some games since this has eroded into a B level event. Comparing the Capitals to Little Caesar’s is hilarious. Replica jerseys sell for. Wisconsin high school hockey is a joke and everyone knows it. 2006 2005. Logout. caps for girls. Problem 2. NOTIFICATIONS > > Tw tryouts . Play against each other 4 times, 2-3 MN/UP/IL Teams 4 times, and enter 3-4 showcases/tournaments. TW isn't valuable for players until u16. They flushed out the 04/05 group and the kids that remained in. Rumor has it waha is going to start a nhl fast track program. Mommy got caught with her hand in the cookie jar. 0 Replies. The classic I can't wait until these little kids hit puberty and they're going to get knocked around. Bump. 8:39 PM - Aug 12. Those WI 08s are still playing TW and many of the 09s are playing full season Tier1 in or out of Wisconsin. Share with: Link: Copy link. 9. Then you see 6 mission teams alone qualify and 7 total from IL and it begs the question why WI can produce a product that earns more slots. They’re not eligible for MHR. 9:37 PM - Nov 14 #1. 3 of 4 are “association” teams from Minnesota and the other is the mission. Face it The Caps are a weak Tier 2 program at best! PC and the brothers dick flick are the root of what’s wrong with Wisconsin youth hockey. USA hockeys guides states that any affiliate aka WAHA can form tier 1 orgs so long as the composition of teams does not exceed more than 15% of the registered kids players at that age level. Elite. by Sparlimb. Share with: Link: Copy link. 8K Views. well, almost everyone. Views. 2 Ohio State. Suck. Defend the flag at all costs. 1. Guest. Found your kid a new winter hobby. Tier I Playoff Entry. USA hockeys guides states that any affiliate aka WAHA can form tier 1 orgs so long as the composition of teams does not exceed more than 15% of the registered kids players at that age level. 93 posts Page 6 of 10. Holy Cow-. WIAA doesn't give a single care about hockey. Clearly this makes them very elite to be puck chasing in 6 different states. Realize that the best TW players don't score 2-3 goals a game when playing their tier 1 schedule. You’re too easy. Remember if this kids were so fucking good, play up an age class. S. No Caps team practices more than twice a week. It is early, Pretty sure your 08 & 09 kids are fine. No boundaries and forces programs to produce or lose players & teams. 2 top 2011’s play. Continue. Currently WI can’t even put together competitive teams to play against Tier 1 teams. The close proximity to MN and IL alone should make WI a great state to play hockey in. MESSAGES. Kids go there for promises and winning state. com. Bantam minor means nothing. 12:35 AM - Mar 30 #3. It doesn’t seem like a dismal. Welcome to the world of competitive hockey. Sep 25, 2019 #1. And then the team can win more! Yep. tier 1 hockey in WI is too inexpensive. 273 posts Page 20 of. 11. 62 posts Page 7 of 7. tw for boys. TW has tentacles all the way down to squirt now and they have no interest in competition. Eliminates or weakens the Jets and makes WAHA look rigged. Post as a guest, follow the rules, and enjoy the game. One in a shoot out. MESSAGES. Regardless to what model you prefers TW is tier 1 and Facts are facts. All we hear is "Murray is a skill development guy. 00 $10. Marquette - Times are tough for a once proud hockey school. Share. Topics. Nov 05, 2022 #10. DISCUSSIONS. However if those USA hockey guides are accurate and both fox valley and chip/Eau Claire submit applications they should both be approved as registration numbers claim to support it. not saying Caps don’t suck. Strength of team, strength of schedule, pp1 and 1st line, coaching style - run it up, play 2 lines, put 1st line out in a blowout, hitting up refs for assists, home cooked scoresheet, depth chart. Pathetic and one has to question if it’s a coaching issue. Views. Wisconsin Youth Hockey Forum. Oct 17, 2018 #9. RWD Youth Hockey, Reedsburg, Wisconsin. 11’s also up against a bottom dweller as the top Manitoba team played in Montreal last weekend instead. There is absolutely no way WAHA that allows it to happen. He bullies at least 1 player every year. MJA should still be better than TW this year, but it'll be much closer than years past and I wouldn't be surprised if TW moves past them. TW is not a good development model for PWM and Bm (girls and boys). Replies Views Last post; Wisconsin youth hockey forum. Mad cows on parade. Give up control and let the charter go private. The best of Wisconsin found their way to the clash and far from hockey factory. Share with: Link: Copy link. Exactly and one program is a development model with its coaching staff and the other was started by parent so the kid would have a team. They will be impossible to replace from a leadership, production, and physicality standpoint. 3/4 of the U13 roster are ex Gamblers and Ads. How many teams did your kid get cut from Spring?Your points and logic isn't awful but there definitely are tryouts to make Great Plains and it "typically" is the best players in MN (minus Machine Or3:40 AM - Aug 05 #35. Never to early to drink. Sick of showering alone with vodka martinis. The MJA organization needs a change ASAP!! Matt Murray is ruining young hockey player's development. 2:45 PM - Jul 24. With almost 300. So the family is moving! Lots of problems with the 2011 team last year. The number of HS hockey teams has been going down for the past few years, clubs are shrinking. so the next best team from our state would have been curb stomped over there. They fill up those rosters and still send players away. Exposure Events Ad Your Event Now! Hundreds of visits a week! Wisconsin youth hockey tournaments posted by event directors, amateur organizations and youth travel teams. And adding more teams will dilute the product even more. And still tons of daddy coaches. 1 Replies 3. Aug 01, 2020 #4. Soda Can. Minn. Careful buddy you’re going to anger some dads with those comments. Cubbyhawk. . Essentially foregoing state just to have his son and his buddies play with their so called super team. Believe top MJA F left to play for Mount SC in RI. Conferences allow for geographic rivalries - which are good. The Coliseum used to be nearly full for Thursday and Friday games. Share. Written by justahockeydad. Wisconsin Youth Hockey Forum. 8:42 PM - Mar 26 #42. 7:00 PM - Apr 04. Worst ice in the state. . Share. They oversee Tier 1 and Tier 2 hockey in Wisconsin. Hockey or College so they opt to play High School hockey in the Milwaukee area. Then they regress going back to total junk association hockey. HUB. Share with: Link: Copy link. SadStory. Guest. 4 5 6 7 8 74 Replies 5. Tier 1 is better hockey and offers better development. This is a down year for Hudson. 3:42 PM - Jan 17. Unless WAHA has a rule on the books similar to Michigan that limits the number of imports. Rosters won’t be posted for a while as usual. That is. None of the Classic 8 coaches are happy with this decision and USM left the conference because of this decision. Read more posts (78 remaining) 308. Remember if this kids were so fucking good, play up an age class. 8:18 AM - Feb 23.